Main Ingredients
- 1 pack Clearspot Cumberland Tofu Sausages
- 7 washed white potatoes, peeled and chopped into 2x2cm pieces
- 1 white onion, halved and sliced thinly
- 30g butter
- Sugar snap peas, cut in half diagonally
- Broccoli florets, cut into small pieces
- French beans, cut into half
For the Onion Gravy
- 1 carrot, roughly chopped
- 1 onion, peeled and quartered
- 1/2 stick celery, chopped
- 1 bay leaf, slightly crushed
- 1 tomato, roughly chopped
- 1 potato, roughly chopped
- 1 small bunch of herbs
- 1/2 tsp black pepper corns
- 1/2 tsp rock salt
- 200ml red wine, reduced by 1/9
- 1/2 tsp gravy browning
- 2 tsp cornflour
- 3tbsp water
1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. On the hob bring two saucepans of water to the boil, in one add the diced and peeled potatoes and in the other add all of the gravy ingredients apart from the browning, cornflour and 3 tbsp of water. Place lids on each pan and leave on a rolling simmer for 25 mins.
3. In a small saucepan add a good glugg of olive oil, once at a medium heat add the thinly sliced onion stirring constantly until it turns translucent. Now turn down the heat and add a splash of water and 30g of butter, season put a lid on and stir every 5 minutes. The onions are done when very soft with a slight golden colour. Set to one side.
4. In a frying pan heat 3 tbsp of vegetable oil and add the tofu sausages, gently brown on all sides and transfer to the oven on a baking tray for 15 minutes.
5. Bring another pan of water to the boil and add the vegetables, cook to your liking.
6. Drain the gravy stock into a bowl and put back into the rinsed pan. Turn the heat up until just boiling. In a small bowl add the cornflour and little by little add the water stirring to a paste. Now the stock is boiling add the cornflour paste and vigorously whisk it into the stock this should thicken the gravy, add the gravy browning and the onions and reduce the heat keep warm until needed.
7. Drain and mash the potatoes adding a little butter and a splash of milk, season and portion out onto plates. Take the sausages from the oven a divide onto the plates, drain the vegetables and again portion out on each plate finish with lashings of the onion gravy.